Hok Vs Superman

broken image

You are curious about the world, because you are a thinker, an explorer, or an artist; a scientist, a big brother or trying to start a movement: because you want world peace or maybe you just consider yourself to be a global shepherd: authenticity is your guide —YOU ARE A TRAVELER, and you don't simply ‘see the sights,' you are crossing the globe, erasing physical borders, promoting change, connecting world views; you express and create. This is just the beginning of our relationship.

  1. Hook Vs Superman Movie
  2. Hook Vs Superman

Dear friend and globetrotter,
Join us-inspire us; and be inspired. We are here to be your home away from home. We are your global family, from different physical places around the world, and we come to meet and share experiences, connect, form lasting friendships. We do more than just connect people to places, we connect friends, values and life's lessons, Here we bond cultures together into one place of ideas and hopes, together we connect to change the world.
Under one roof we share our journey. This is who WE are and who YOU are:

Goku Games: Fight against evil with Dragon Ball's greatest Saiyan in one of our many free, online Goku games! Pick One of Our Free Goku Games, and Have Fun. Superman has more than half a dozen planetary feats in the last two years since Dark nights metal which is far more consistent than almost every Marvel top tier in last two years. Support The Show On Patreon: Here's Our Amazon Link: Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.

Natasha Romanoff is the first character to take on the Black Widow codename in the modern mainstream Marvel Comics. She was created by editor and plotter Stan Lee, scripter Don Rico and artist Don Heck, and first appeared in Tales of Suspense #52 (April 1964). The character has been associated with several superhero teams in the Marvel Universe, including the Avengers, the Defenders, the.

What If? Xander was sent to the Ultimate Marvel Universe.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything in regards to what you are about to read.

Been meaning to give this to the people who wanted him in the Ultimate Universe for a while so here we are. Spongebob whale watching dailymotion. I figure they will want to see my take on a certain event that pitted the X-men VS the Ultimates thanks to Magneto pulling a fast one on the heroes.

So as usual:




Hok Vs Superman

-Media or transmission—

X-men's safe house…

Kitty Pryde was nearing the end of her rope as chaos reigned due the combined efforts of the US military, SHIELD and their premier team known as the Ultimates, all who fought to capture the X-men for supposedly being in cahoots with the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy. Which was utter bullshit if anyone asked her, or anyone who didn't hate her guts just because she got stuck with a wonky gene that let her walk-through solid objects and as she had come to learn of recently mess with electronics.

Her day hadn't exactly started off on a positive note when she thought it would be a brilliant idea to stowaway in the X-jet with Scott Summers and Logan as they headed to the Savage Land due to hearing about some strange activity located there…which in hindsight was a pretty stupid thing to do given the presence of cyborg zombies and giant sentient killer robots they found in the ruins of what was once a safe haven for mutantkind.

Still despite gory and harrowing events that took place which would be later followed by the imminent dressing down she was to receive upon return she couldn't help but smile on the journey back. Why? Because she got to meet and talk to Superman!


It was a tense atmosphere, at least that was what it was in the cockpit as Cyclops held a stern frown towards the skyline and held the controls tightly and Wolverine just smokes his stowed cigar while giving the man next to him side looks of disdain.

They had just escaped the fracas that was their recent dealings with the sentient machine that sought to pull a Skynet on the world using reanimated bodies of the dead to take over the world. Which the young teen girl thought was something out of a bad horror movie in her opinion, really it was only through sheer luck her powers killed it and the timely arrival of the man giving her a warm smile that made her heart flutter.

'You doing all right miss?' The Man of Steel asks her kindly to which she gives a shaky nod as she didn't trust herself out of fear of embarrassing herself with the powerful and handsome man.

Somewhere in the multiverse Dawn was overcome with the urge to violently throttle something which was sadly Andrew given his proximity to her.

'Still coming down from the combat high huh? I understand, I get that way myself sometimes when I go through dangerous situation.' He comments kindly to the girl who kind of reminded him of the youngest Summer's woman.

'Why? I mean from what I read and seen you have nothing to be afraid of.' She asked curiously.

'Not true miss…'

'You can call me Kitty!' She suddenly blurted out much to her shame but he just nods.

'Well as I was saying Kitty, just because I can do things other can't doesn't mean I am fearless. I mean I'm afraid of failing the people I try to help; afraid I may not live up the legacy of the people who inspired me and sometimes I fear my own powers.' He replies in all honesty as he kneels down to look her straight into her eyes.


'Yep, but I also know that I have to push beyond that fear and doubt.'

'You make it sound so easy.' She can't help but comment.

'It does sound that way doesn't it? But we both know it isn't at all, then again that's what makes the victory all the sweeter when we go beyond our limits and achieve our goal don't you think?'

'I guess so, it's just I'm not brave or strong like you or them.' She motions towards the two senior X-men with a frown, which soon turned into a surprised look as Xander placed his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

'No, you aren't, but you don't have to be brave and strong like me or them but instead just be brave and strong like you are. You may not know it yet and some will say that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time today but I personally think you were at the right place at the right time and gave them the win they needed long before I arrived.' He tells her with utmost confidence in his words that really made her spirit soar.

'You think so?'

'Cross my heart Kitty.' He tells her while getting a smile from the teen in response to his words.

'Think you can save me from a dressing down or expulsion by any chance?' She asks in mock seriousness.

'Well I…' Xander stops as he hears and sees something only, he can '… I'm going to have to take a rain check since I need to stop a boat from capsizing in the middle of the Atlantic.' He says as he stands and moves to the cockpit.

*Is there anything he can't do? * She thinks to herself with a little hero worship.

He soon came back just as the back begins to open up.

'Will I see you again!?' She suddenly asks the hero through the howling winds.

'If you ever need to just call out my name and I'll be there!' He replies just as he nears the edge.


He just smiles and crosses his heart before gently floating away with the sun at his back giving him a heavenly look. That was the last image of him she saw and would commit to memory even when her fellow teammates would grill her on her new apparent crush on the man.

End flashback…

Now here she stood while holding an unconscious Jean Grey all while fearing for her and her friends lives while standing behind Cyclops who had a hand to his visor while staring down the Ultimates: Captain America with his shield at the ready, Iron Man floating on his left and repulsors ready to fire, Thor with his hammer held firmly as it gave of bolts of lighting, Hawkeye and Black Widow at the back with their guns and arrows ready to fire.

Hook Vs Superman Movie

They could see the captured forms of Beast, Xavier, Storm and Colossus in the custody of the American military. Logan was nowhere to be seen but the sounds of gunfire told her he was still in the fight, albeit a losing one in her opinion.

'Surrender now.' Steve Rogers commands the remaining X-men before him.

'You are making a big mistake.' Scott replies tersely as he tries to come up with a plan and finding none.

'The only mistake we see here is you siding with Magneto…again in your case Summers.' Stark replies to the mutant field leader.

'Damn it! We aren't working with him or have anything to do with the attack on the bridge.' He spat in frustration at them.

'Tell that to the people who got caught in that little show of mutant unity, you got nothing ok? No telepaths, no muscle and no hope of escape so give up while you can.' Clint throws back as he notches an arrow and gets ready to let it loose.

'Oh god, oh god, oh god.' Kitty's panicked cries were not doing much for Scott's confidence levels, not that he blamed her as she was not trained for this type of fight and frankly, he wished he could do something more to protect her and Jean. That's when it hit him like a truck, it may be the stupidest thing he ever thought off but he figured at this point anything plan was better than no plan.

'Kitty…' he calls out earning the girls tear faced attention '…call him.'


'Call him.' He stresses that last part just as it looks like the Ultimates were done waiting. It takes here a second before realization struck like a bolt of lightning, hence she took a deep breath…

'SUPERMAN HELP US PLEASE!' she screamed as loud as she dared causing the others to stop and look at her like she grew a second head. Seconds passed with nothing happening before Stark chuckled.

'Cute kid, maybe you'll call out Santa Cla…'


The heavens seemingly rattle and shake as a thunderous boom tore the skies asunder right before something lands hard between the X-men and their would-be captors while also kicking up a dust cloud as a result. As it clears an imposing figured could be seen within as a familiar crimson cape flutters in the background. When it disperses, they all see the blue clad hero and his iconic 'S' symbol, standing tall, proud and with a look of defiance on his face.

Xander looks back over his shoulder to Scot and nods in greeting before looking at the teary-eyed girl and gives her a warm smile that made her hopes soar.

'You came.' Is all she is capable of saying at the moment while holding Jean closer to her.

'Crossed my heart didn't i?' He replies to her kindly before looking back at the Ultimates with a frown, though he decides to address Stark first.

'I may not be jolly ol' Saint Nick but I can sure as hell put you down on MY naughty list Stark. Now the way I see it we can either all calm down and resolve this peacefully or I show you what I can really do when I cut loose.' The former Sunnydalian turned Kryptonian responds tersely as he was not happy with what he was witnessing here.

'This does not involve you Superman, the X-men have aided and abetted known terrorists in the attack committed on American soil and we have orders to bring them in.' Captain America speaks with firm authority regardless of the man's reputation or actions.

Xander looks pensive before looking at Scott.

'You working with terrorists?' He asks in a way that seem more akin of 'How's the weather?' instead of acts of terror.

'No, we are not, we've been set up.' Scott replies in all honesty, getting a nod from the hero.

'I believe you.'

'Oh, you have got to be fucking joking!?' Clint shouts in disbelief as frankly he just wanted to get this over with and go home, it didn't help when the Man of Steel turn to look at him as if he was unruly child.

'FYI Mr. Barton, my senses are far beyond the norm, case in point I can hear your heartbeat racing so fast I could tap dance to it. I can see a bead of sweat from Stark even though his suit is temperature controlled as well as hear Widow and Cap's grips tighten. All this meaning that I can tell when people lie and Mr. Summers is not lying so again so I will not stand down and you will give his people back to him or their will be trouble.' Now Xander's was and matching Roger's earlier one, he didn't want to fight them but if it came down to it so be it.

-Take him down Rogers. —He hears Fury order.

*Asshole! *

'So be it.' He whispers to himself as he readies himself.

Thor also heard the order and hurled Mjolnir at him with all his strength in hopes of ending the battle early. Needless to say, what happened next caught both him and Xander off guard for different reasons as the mystical weapon flew past him and out of reflex mostly Xander caught it by the handle.

'By the All Father!' Thor exclaims in shock. The others didn't get why that was so surprising, of course given that they STILL thought he was a loon thinking he was the actual Norse god of Storms it was understandable, but Xander did believe he was who he said he is and therefore knows the significance of what he just did even if he didn't express it as he casually holds the weapon before turning towards it wielder.

'Huh? How about that?' and then he hurls it back at him.

'OOF!' The deity is then seen hurtling away from the others who were startled by this as the man's body slams into various buildings, so distracted they are no one sees the hero suddenly blur into action as he grabs the captured X-men, Cyclops, Kitty and Jean and mode them to another location.

'Whoa!' Kitty cries out as the world stops moving and she is in a abandoned warehouse along with the others. She looks for her savior but doesn't see him until another gust of wind comes along and suddenly, he is there with a bloody Wolverine whose wardrobe has seen better days given the number of bullet holes in them.

'Sorry about that, needed to act fast while they were distracted.' Xander replies as he sets down the irritable man.

'What the hell is he doing here?' Wolverine gripes, though frankly Xander could care less about it given how much quick to kill he was against the soldiers, frankly he can already tell there will plenty of axes to grind before this conflict is over thanks to him.

'Saving our asses now shut up and help me get the others up.' Scott throws back as he has no time with dealing with Logan's rebellious bullshit.

'You do that, in the meantime I will act as a decoy and keep them busy.' Xander comments as he hears the telltale sound of Stark's repulsors heading their way.

*Time to deliver some humility. * He thinks as he flies off towards the man who begins to fire at the hero as soon as he spots him.

Unfortunately for Stark, this is an exercise in futility as he easily evades the shots before grappling him by the waist and forcing him down hard into the asphalt


'For a man who is as smart as you are Mr. Stark…' Superman casually says as he grabs him by the back and punches his stomach hard enough for him to feel it '…you are pretty stupid not seeing that you've been used by Magneto.'

'Bastard…' The genius spat as he fires his uni-beam at his opponent only to see him block it with his bare hand while the other backhands him into a destroyed truck.

'I wish sometimes but that's a topic for another time.' Superman says as he grabs the armored man by the ankle and hurls him into a wall.

'Need backup!' Tony shouts out loud as he fires a miniature missile at the Kryptonian who just tanks through the explosion before delivering a shoulder tackle that drives Stark through the window of a local fishmonger.

'Yes, you do indeed.'

From around the corner soldiers appeared and opened fire on him with their weapons though they may have well used slingshots and pebbles on him as the bullets simply bounced of him. Xander could hear some of them swear profusely over the din of fire as he got closer to them with no sign of stopping or being hurt.

Xander soon took pity on them as he dashes in and relieves them of their guns, grenades and knives all within the blink of an eye and places it all in a neat little pile and then proceeds to incinerate the pile with his heat vision.

'Your move gentlemen.' He says with disinterest though the intimidation factor is helped by the fact that his eyes are still glowing red. Which helps to get the message through as they men break into a run to get as far away from the alien powerhouse.

'I do hope they don't get slapped with some bullshit desertion charge.' He idly comments before an explosive arrow detonates at the back of his head. Yet despite this he takes his time to turn and face the direction he knows Hawkeye is located at.

'Not cool Mr. Barton!' He shouts at him before another arrow hits his chest again to no effect against him. Clint uses the explosion to grab another mini nuke from his quiver like the one he used on Colossus.

'Let's how you like this motherfucker.' He says before letting the weapon loose, however it would be at this moment when later in the debriefing he would struggle to explain the sheer impossibility he witnessed as Xander grabs the projectile and clasps the nuclear arrowhead in his fist before smiling at him just at it goes off.


However instead of a brilliant and loud explosion he sees the man calmly open his hands and blow away the smoke in them. Clint would deny it to his dying breath that he was left gob smacked by the sight.

'…wellthat's not fair.' He whispers before he loses sight Superman in the blink of an eye but does feel the air behind him be displaced. The last thing he sees and hears before being knocked out is Superman's right hand in a flicking position as he says…

'Life rarely is Mr. Barton, goodnight!' He cheerfully comments before flicking him hard enough that Barton felt like he just got hit by a super heavyweight's jab.

'That takes care of their sniper.' He comments before again something impacts the back of his head.

*Ok now I am starting to get annoyed by that. * He thinks as he turns around and faces Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov.


'Really? I mean really Captain?'

'You will surrender the X-men and yourself to us now!' The irate super soldier orders regardless of the power gap between them. Xander just looked at them with a frown as if coming to a regrettable conclusion, one he had wished had come to pass.

*I guess it's true what they say, one should never meet their heroes. * he sadly thinks to himself as he really hoped this version of the Captain were more like the one he read about, be that as it may…

'Tell me Captain, before we begin, do you know the difference between a good soldier and a good man?'

'What nonsense are you spouting about now?' Natasha spat as she was frankly tired of the man and his foolish idealism although Xander can see and hear that she is only putting up a brave front.

'Something for him to consider Miss Romanov, and to respond to your earlier demand Captain I must humbly decline.'

'You would willingly become an enemy of the state!?' Steve could hardly believe this man would go that far.

'If it meant staying true to the values of truth, liberty and justice this country was founded upon then I would in a heartbeat, because unlike you sir I have not thrown them away just because someone of higher rank tells me to dance to his tune or tells me to jump.' Xander threw back with a look of defiance.

Steve's patience finally gave out with that last cutting remark as he charged the man despite Natasha's protests.

Xander waiting for him to reach his position until he began to dodge his attacks effortlessly. He backsteps a shield slash, sidesteps a back kick, hops over a leg sweep and spins right and away from a rising uppercut.


-Media or transmission—

X-men's safe house…

Kitty Pryde was nearing the end of her rope as chaos reigned due the combined efforts of the US military, SHIELD and their premier team known as the Ultimates, all who fought to capture the X-men for supposedly being in cahoots with the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy. Which was utter bullshit if anyone asked her, or anyone who didn't hate her guts just because she got stuck with a wonky gene that let her walk-through solid objects and as she had come to learn of recently mess with electronics.

Her day hadn't exactly started off on a positive note when she thought it would be a brilliant idea to stowaway in the X-jet with Scott Summers and Logan as they headed to the Savage Land due to hearing about some strange activity located there…which in hindsight was a pretty stupid thing to do given the presence of cyborg zombies and giant sentient killer robots they found in the ruins of what was once a safe haven for mutantkind.

Still despite gory and harrowing events that took place which would be later followed by the imminent dressing down she was to receive upon return she couldn't help but smile on the journey back. Why? Because she got to meet and talk to Superman!


It was a tense atmosphere, at least that was what it was in the cockpit as Cyclops held a stern frown towards the skyline and held the controls tightly and Wolverine just smokes his stowed cigar while giving the man next to him side looks of disdain.

They had just escaped the fracas that was their recent dealings with the sentient machine that sought to pull a Skynet on the world using reanimated bodies of the dead to take over the world. Which the young teen girl thought was something out of a bad horror movie in her opinion, really it was only through sheer luck her powers killed it and the timely arrival of the man giving her a warm smile that made her heart flutter.

'You doing all right miss?' The Man of Steel asks her kindly to which she gives a shaky nod as she didn't trust herself out of fear of embarrassing herself with the powerful and handsome man.

Somewhere in the multiverse Dawn was overcome with the urge to violently throttle something which was sadly Andrew given his proximity to her.

'Still coming down from the combat high huh? I understand, I get that way myself sometimes when I go through dangerous situation.' He comments kindly to the girl who kind of reminded him of the youngest Summer's woman.

'Why? I mean from what I read and seen you have nothing to be afraid of.' She asked curiously.

'Not true miss…'

'You can call me Kitty!' She suddenly blurted out much to her shame but he just nods.

'Well as I was saying Kitty, just because I can do things other can't doesn't mean I am fearless. I mean I'm afraid of failing the people I try to help; afraid I may not live up the legacy of the people who inspired me and sometimes I fear my own powers.' He replies in all honesty as he kneels down to look her straight into her eyes.


'Yep, but I also know that I have to push beyond that fear and doubt.'

'You make it sound so easy.' She can't help but comment.

'It does sound that way doesn't it? But we both know it isn't at all, then again that's what makes the victory all the sweeter when we go beyond our limits and achieve our goal don't you think?'

'I guess so, it's just I'm not brave or strong like you or them.' She motions towards the two senior X-men with a frown, which soon turned into a surprised look as Xander placed his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

'No, you aren't, but you don't have to be brave and strong like me or them but instead just be brave and strong like you are. You may not know it yet and some will say that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time today but I personally think you were at the right place at the right time and gave them the win they needed long before I arrived.' He tells her with utmost confidence in his words that really made her spirit soar.

'You think so?'

'Cross my heart Kitty.' He tells her while getting a smile from the teen in response to his words.

'Think you can save me from a dressing down or expulsion by any chance?' She asks in mock seriousness.

'Well I…' Xander stops as he hears and sees something only, he can '… I'm going to have to take a rain check since I need to stop a boat from capsizing in the middle of the Atlantic.' He says as he stands and moves to the cockpit.

*Is there anything he can't do? * She thinks to herself with a little hero worship.

He soon came back just as the back begins to open up.

'Will I see you again!?' She suddenly asks the hero through the howling winds.

'If you ever need to just call out my name and I'll be there!' He replies just as he nears the edge.


He just smiles and crosses his heart before gently floating away with the sun at his back giving him a heavenly look. That was the last image of him she saw and would commit to memory even when her fellow teammates would grill her on her new apparent crush on the man.

End flashback…

Now here she stood while holding an unconscious Jean Grey all while fearing for her and her friends lives while standing behind Cyclops who had a hand to his visor while staring down the Ultimates: Captain America with his shield at the ready, Iron Man floating on his left and repulsors ready to fire, Thor with his hammer held firmly as it gave of bolts of lighting, Hawkeye and Black Widow at the back with their guns and arrows ready to fire.

Hook Vs Superman Movie

They could see the captured forms of Beast, Xavier, Storm and Colossus in the custody of the American military. Logan was nowhere to be seen but the sounds of gunfire told her he was still in the fight, albeit a losing one in her opinion.

'Surrender now.' Steve Rogers commands the remaining X-men before him.

'You are making a big mistake.' Scott replies tersely as he tries to come up with a plan and finding none.

'The only mistake we see here is you siding with Magneto…again in your case Summers.' Stark replies to the mutant field leader.

'Damn it! We aren't working with him or have anything to do with the attack on the bridge.' He spat in frustration at them.

'Tell that to the people who got caught in that little show of mutant unity, you got nothing ok? No telepaths, no muscle and no hope of escape so give up while you can.' Clint throws back as he notches an arrow and gets ready to let it loose.

'Oh god, oh god, oh god.' Kitty's panicked cries were not doing much for Scott's confidence levels, not that he blamed her as she was not trained for this type of fight and frankly, he wished he could do something more to protect her and Jean. That's when it hit him like a truck, it may be the stupidest thing he ever thought off but he figured at this point anything plan was better than no plan.

'Kitty…' he calls out earning the girls tear faced attention '…call him.'


'Call him.' He stresses that last part just as it looks like the Ultimates were done waiting. It takes here a second before realization struck like a bolt of lightning, hence she took a deep breath…

'SUPERMAN HELP US PLEASE!' she screamed as loud as she dared causing the others to stop and look at her like she grew a second head. Seconds passed with nothing happening before Stark chuckled.

'Cute kid, maybe you'll call out Santa Cla…'


The heavens seemingly rattle and shake as a thunderous boom tore the skies asunder right before something lands hard between the X-men and their would-be captors while also kicking up a dust cloud as a result. As it clears an imposing figured could be seen within as a familiar crimson cape flutters in the background. When it disperses, they all see the blue clad hero and his iconic 'S' symbol, standing tall, proud and with a look of defiance on his face.

Xander looks back over his shoulder to Scot and nods in greeting before looking at the teary-eyed girl and gives her a warm smile that made her hopes soar.

'You came.' Is all she is capable of saying at the moment while holding Jean closer to her.

'Crossed my heart didn't i?' He replies to her kindly before looking back at the Ultimates with a frown, though he decides to address Stark first.

'I may not be jolly ol' Saint Nick but I can sure as hell put you down on MY naughty list Stark. Now the way I see it we can either all calm down and resolve this peacefully or I show you what I can really do when I cut loose.' The former Sunnydalian turned Kryptonian responds tersely as he was not happy with what he was witnessing here.

'This does not involve you Superman, the X-men have aided and abetted known terrorists in the attack committed on American soil and we have orders to bring them in.' Captain America speaks with firm authority regardless of the man's reputation or actions.

Xander looks pensive before looking at Scott.

'You working with terrorists?' He asks in a way that seem more akin of 'How's the weather?' instead of acts of terror.

'No, we are not, we've been set up.' Scott replies in all honesty, getting a nod from the hero.

'I believe you.'

'Oh, you have got to be fucking joking!?' Clint shouts in disbelief as frankly he just wanted to get this over with and go home, it didn't help when the Man of Steel turn to look at him as if he was unruly child.

'FYI Mr. Barton, my senses are far beyond the norm, case in point I can hear your heartbeat racing so fast I could tap dance to it. I can see a bead of sweat from Stark even though his suit is temperature controlled as well as hear Widow and Cap's grips tighten. All this meaning that I can tell when people lie and Mr. Summers is not lying so again so I will not stand down and you will give his people back to him or their will be trouble.' Now Xander's was and matching Roger's earlier one, he didn't want to fight them but if it came down to it so be it.

-Take him down Rogers. —He hears Fury order.

*Asshole! *

'So be it.' He whispers to himself as he readies himself.

Thor also heard the order and hurled Mjolnir at him with all his strength in hopes of ending the battle early. Needless to say, what happened next caught both him and Xander off guard for different reasons as the mystical weapon flew past him and out of reflex mostly Xander caught it by the handle.

'By the All Father!' Thor exclaims in shock. The others didn't get why that was so surprising, of course given that they STILL thought he was a loon thinking he was the actual Norse god of Storms it was understandable, but Xander did believe he was who he said he is and therefore knows the significance of what he just did even if he didn't express it as he casually holds the weapon before turning towards it wielder.

'Huh? How about that?' and then he hurls it back at him.

'OOF!' The deity is then seen hurtling away from the others who were startled by this as the man's body slams into various buildings, so distracted they are no one sees the hero suddenly blur into action as he grabs the captured X-men, Cyclops, Kitty and Jean and mode them to another location.

'Whoa!' Kitty cries out as the world stops moving and she is in a abandoned warehouse along with the others. She looks for her savior but doesn't see him until another gust of wind comes along and suddenly, he is there with a bloody Wolverine whose wardrobe has seen better days given the number of bullet holes in them.

'Sorry about that, needed to act fast while they were distracted.' Xander replies as he sets down the irritable man.

'What the hell is he doing here?' Wolverine gripes, though frankly Xander could care less about it given how much quick to kill he was against the soldiers, frankly he can already tell there will plenty of axes to grind before this conflict is over thanks to him.

'Saving our asses now shut up and help me get the others up.' Scott throws back as he has no time with dealing with Logan's rebellious bullshit.

'You do that, in the meantime I will act as a decoy and keep them busy.' Xander comments as he hears the telltale sound of Stark's repulsors heading their way.

*Time to deliver some humility. * He thinks as he flies off towards the man who begins to fire at the hero as soon as he spots him.

Unfortunately for Stark, this is an exercise in futility as he easily evades the shots before grappling him by the waist and forcing him down hard into the asphalt


'For a man who is as smart as you are Mr. Stark…' Superman casually says as he grabs him by the back and punches his stomach hard enough for him to feel it '…you are pretty stupid not seeing that you've been used by Magneto.'

'Bastard…' The genius spat as he fires his uni-beam at his opponent only to see him block it with his bare hand while the other backhands him into a destroyed truck.

'I wish sometimes but that's a topic for another time.' Superman says as he grabs the armored man by the ankle and hurls him into a wall.

'Need backup!' Tony shouts out loud as he fires a miniature missile at the Kryptonian who just tanks through the explosion before delivering a shoulder tackle that drives Stark through the window of a local fishmonger.

'Yes, you do indeed.'

From around the corner soldiers appeared and opened fire on him with their weapons though they may have well used slingshots and pebbles on him as the bullets simply bounced of him. Xander could hear some of them swear profusely over the din of fire as he got closer to them with no sign of stopping or being hurt.

Xander soon took pity on them as he dashes in and relieves them of their guns, grenades and knives all within the blink of an eye and places it all in a neat little pile and then proceeds to incinerate the pile with his heat vision.

'Your move gentlemen.' He says with disinterest though the intimidation factor is helped by the fact that his eyes are still glowing red. Which helps to get the message through as they men break into a run to get as far away from the alien powerhouse.

'I do hope they don't get slapped with some bullshit desertion charge.' He idly comments before an explosive arrow detonates at the back of his head. Yet despite this he takes his time to turn and face the direction he knows Hawkeye is located at.

'Not cool Mr. Barton!' He shouts at him before another arrow hits his chest again to no effect against him. Clint uses the explosion to grab another mini nuke from his quiver like the one he used on Colossus.

'Let's how you like this motherfucker.' He says before letting the weapon loose, however it would be at this moment when later in the debriefing he would struggle to explain the sheer impossibility he witnessed as Xander grabs the projectile and clasps the nuclear arrowhead in his fist before smiling at him just at it goes off.


However instead of a brilliant and loud explosion he sees the man calmly open his hands and blow away the smoke in them. Clint would deny it to his dying breath that he was left gob smacked by the sight.

'…wellthat's not fair.' He whispers before he loses sight Superman in the blink of an eye but does feel the air behind him be displaced. The last thing he sees and hears before being knocked out is Superman's right hand in a flicking position as he says…

'Life rarely is Mr. Barton, goodnight!' He cheerfully comments before flicking him hard enough that Barton felt like he just got hit by a super heavyweight's jab.

'That takes care of their sniper.' He comments before again something impacts the back of his head.

*Ok now I am starting to get annoyed by that. * He thinks as he turns around and faces Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov.

'Really? I mean really Captain?'

'You will surrender the X-men and yourself to us now!' The irate super soldier orders regardless of the power gap between them. Xander just looked at them with a frown as if coming to a regrettable conclusion, one he had wished had come to pass.

*I guess it's true what they say, one should never meet their heroes. * he sadly thinks to himself as he really hoped this version of the Captain were more like the one he read about, be that as it may…

'Tell me Captain, before we begin, do you know the difference between a good soldier and a good man?'

'What nonsense are you spouting about now?' Natasha spat as she was frankly tired of the man and his foolish idealism although Xander can see and hear that she is only putting up a brave front.

'Something for him to consider Miss Romanov, and to respond to your earlier demand Captain I must humbly decline.'

'You would willingly become an enemy of the state!?' Steve could hardly believe this man would go that far.

'If it meant staying true to the values of truth, liberty and justice this country was founded upon then I would in a heartbeat, because unlike you sir I have not thrown them away just because someone of higher rank tells me to dance to his tune or tells me to jump.' Xander threw back with a look of defiance.

Steve's patience finally gave out with that last cutting remark as he charged the man despite Natasha's protests.

Xander waiting for him to reach his position until he began to dodge his attacks effortlessly. He backsteps a shield slash, sidesteps a back kick, hops over a leg sweep and spins right and away from a rising uppercut.

'Fight me!' Steve demands as struggles to land a hit.

Hook Vs Superman

To his growing frustration he hasn't had this much trouble in a while, not even Hulk or Kleisser gave him this much problems when he fought them. Then again the Hulk had not real combat style and Kleisser while powerful was not on this level on strength and speed, still he got his wish when Superman leans back from a left hook and then delivers a palm thrust to the stomach that launches him back a few feet.


'I really wish you would consider stopping this exercise in futility Captain.'


'I am not your enemy Rogers, stop treating me and the X-men as if they are.' Xander sadly says to the man before a pair of legs wrap around his head and Black Widow brings her stingers into play on his head.

'Oh ow, the pain, please stop.' He deadpans before he quickly and effortlessly pulls her off and dangles her by the legs as if she was an unruly child. Needless to say this was quite humiliating for the elite spy/assassin who in her anger does something ill advised as she throws a punch to his groin only to curse as it feels like she just struck metal instead of hitting a man's most well-known weak spot.

'Well that's just rude ma'am.' And before Natasha could yell he blasted of with her into the sky before dashing towards the water, at quarter mile from land he stripped her of her weapons and then dumps her into the drink.

'You look like you need to cool off, so no need to thank me.' He says with mock cheer before waving the irate woman goodbye, though distance and speed don't stop him from listening to her scream and cuss in Russian.

*Shove a red hot poker up my what? Damn that woman has some mouth on her* He idly thinks with shudder before he is suddenly struck by a bolt of lightning.


'You will not surprise me again fiend!' Thor shouts as he comes barreling down on the Kryptonian hero with a vengeance for his earlier slight against him.

*Ok ow!*

Before Xander could get his bearings he was again struck only this time by twin repulsor beams that made him slam into a nearby wall.

'Got you that time asshole.' Tony Stark spat as he kept his weapons aimed at the caped cad hero. Nearby Steve Rogers jumped of a nearby roof and looked ready to deliver some payback as Thor and Stark flanked him.

'Last chance, surrender now!'

Xander finally got up and look at the three, if this were the heroes he knew of he would be mighty intimidated by the Marvel Trinity…but these versions only pissed him off.

'Fuck that.' He spat as he charged Thor who was ready this time as he launched another bolt at the man who dodged left only to get repulsor blast to his right flank followed by a shield bounce of his face. There was not enough power in the both to hurt him but it did distract him from the kick the Thunder god lay into his left side and that did hurt him.


'Give him another one Thor! Bastard will regret getting involved with us.' Stark spat.

'Indeed he shall.'

'Way ahead of you buddy.' Xander threw back as he held his ribs before batting away Cap's shield with his free hand.

'You throw that at me again and I will break it Rogers!'

'Keep pushing.' Steve orders as he grabs his shield.

Thor hurled Mjolnir while chasing after it soon after the Kryptonian rolled away and charged at him. Both men hands locked against one another and soon became a contest of strength between the two while the ground beneath them cracked as their feet sunk into it as if made of clay.

Thor caught Xander off guard when he suddenly released him and then headbutts him thus leaving him open for Stark to blast him again and dropping him on his back.

'Thor use this!' Steve says as he throws the deity his shield who leaps into the air and bashes the weapon into the downed hero's chest.

'Gah!' This time feeling pain from it given who was wielding it.

*That's it!* Superman furiously thinks as his eyes glow red and fires off searing heat into Thor's face over the rim of the shield.


'Thor!' Both men cry out in distress as the man clutches his face.

'Forgot I could do that huh? Well, let that serve as a refresher course and just to show I'm a man of my word.' Xander grimly ends as he grabs the shield and begins apply force to it, both men are shocked when they hear the supposedly indestructible metal ominously screech.

'No fucking way.' Stark can't help but let out in surprise as the adamantium shield finally gives in to the pressure and shatters. Superman throws the remains onto the ground before looking at the two men with a glare, that was all the warning they got as Superman shoulder tackles Steve and then backhands Ironman making both men being flung by the respective force used on each.

'Playtime is over.' He announces out loud before he rushes the armored Ultimate who is just getting his bearings only to have a fist slam into his torso with enough force for the metal to buckle under the strain and him gasp.

This was followed by a right/left hook to his helmet that dented the metal and cut into his face, then followed by Xander grabbing the two repulsors and crushing the weapons which is succeeded by the hero body slamming the other in order to reach his legs and destroying his means of flight. Finally Xander grips the helmet and pulls them apart and delivering another finger flick that knocked the billionaire out of the fight.

*One down.* He thinks idly before something jumps on his back and starts to punch his face.

'Oh for the love of god Rogers!' His patient and misplaced hero worship of the man were through as he uses his flight ability to flip them around and slam his opponent into the ground. That got to the patriotically garbed man to release him which he used to quickly dash from the seen only to return with a heft length of rope.

'Let's see you break out of this.' Is all Xander says to the man as he pulls him up and begins to tie him up from neck to toe until only his head is free and the rest is cocooned in rope.

Superman takes a moment to admire his work before causally pushing the man and have him flat on his back. It was a ta that point he could hear Thor coming in hot and ready for some payback but at his point the Kryptonian was in no mood to oblige him.

He faces him, seeing that his face sported some burn and his hair was singed, grabs the wrist holding Mjolnir while the other slams into the thunder god's stomach. Thor gasps as air is forced out of his lungs only for his opponent to then slam his head into his nose as he had done so earlier with sickening crunch being heard. Thor rarely feels this much pain but the foe he faces is more than able to go toe to toe with the deity, he tries to throw a punch but its easily batted away and gets a left hook to the face for his troubles followed by a right and then a knee to the stomach.

'I've had enough, how about you?' Xander says before he punches the man again and again despite his efforts to the contrary.

'You will not beat me fiend.'

'Your bruises and cuts say otherwise, but the thing is Thor that I am not in the wrong here or have you forgotten that I have been deemed worthy?'

'SILENCE!' Thor screams as he summons his weapon and hurls it at the man who looks resigned before once more grabbing it mid air and keeping in his grasp.

'This is just getting ridiculous.' Superman idly comment as he hurls Mjolnir upward before charging Thor and slamming his fists into the man's chest.


'Now time to go to sleep.' And with those words he turned the large man around and placed his arms around his neck into a sleeper hold. Thor naturally struggles against this but is in no condition to fight back until finally the lights go out.

'THOR!' Steve shouts in alarm from his place on the floor as Superman gently lays him down. Afterwards he turns to face the man with a saddened look despite their previous battle, the truth being he never wanted this fight but he could hardly stand by and let the X-men be punished for doing nothing wrong in the first place.

'I just want you to understand one thing Captain, I didn't want to do this to any of you but you forced my hand.'

'You think this is the end of it? You will pay for this you hear me!?' Rogers spat venomously.

'…do you remember what I asked you at the start of this?'

'What are you…?'

'I asked if you knew the difference between a good soldier and a good man.' Superman continues as he looks at him with a neutral gaze, as if he was weighing the man before him and find him wanting.

'You followed your orders without question, in this you are a good soldier. But the fact that you refused to question the possibility that the X-men were set up, the tactics used against them or consider that the men and women you led were emotionally comprised shows you are not a good man.'

At that point he approached the Captain and bended down to get a better look at the defiant man.

'You are no Sentinel of Liberty, no champion of the people, all I see is a thug who can't make choices for himself. You disappoint me Captain Rogers, you and your Ultimate's all disappoint me. Know that I will protect them Captain, from you and the government if I must while also continuing my mission to protect humanity as a whole regardless of what you think of me today or tomorrow.'

And with that said Superman took to the air to look for his charges while leaving behind men who he once thought of heroes.

The end.

A/N: Well here it is, it's not perfect and not pretty but here we are. Yes it I did draw some manner of inspiration from Endgame though obviously Xander was not trying to kill them only keep them from capturing the X-men…and perhaps humble them as well, or at least that's how I saw it when I wrote this.

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